Tuesday, March 4, 2008

#16 Stink Eye

Hawaiians have beautiful eyes. They come in all shades and colors, deep and mysterious, especially the Hawaiian girls. They have exquisite eyes. However, these beauties can turn on their Hawaiian boys quicker than a pitbull turning on its master. One wrong move or word and suddenly the guys find themselves dodging laser beams. The locals call this "stink eye."

Most people have some grasp of what this is, although they call it by different names "the look," the "evil eye," the stare, the glare, or simply, "the eye." Regardless of what you might call it, it still has the same meaning. You see Moms stink eye their kids; Dads stink eye their boss, when the boss isn't around; Aunties stink eye their sisters; older brothers stink eye their brother-in-laws.

Stink eyes are what Hawaiians use to send an unmistakable non-verbal message that means you are not welcome; or stick around any longer and there will be hell to pay.

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