Thursday, March 6, 2008

#25 Starting Charter Schools

One thing is plain and clear about Hawaiian youth and their parents in today's society: They like doing things their own way. Who wouldn't want to learn and teach at one of these places? They cater especially to the Hawaiians' short attention spans. For instance, they serve a smaller number of children so the student to teacher ratios are lower. Some of these schools teach with emphasis on Hawaiian instead of English. Student can learn how to cultivate Hawaiian plants (such as taro), ocean voyaging ands star navigation and many more things instead of dressing out for physical education or sitting in a science lab measuring stuff in a beaker. Teachers don't have to dress up because every thing will become an outdoors activity eventually. Kids spend there time cruising around the mountains, streams, fishponds and valleys instead of hitting the books to learn about people, places and dates. Seems a little more like a fun home school than real school. It doesn't surprise many people that most of Hawaii's charter schools are on the Big Island where there are lots of cultural sites and lots of room for extra-curricular activities. Hawaiians will always do things their own way.

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